iTwin Services Ideas

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Simplified navigation with WASD

As a project manager not working with models everyday I found it non-intuitive to do both panning and view angle with the mouse.

I would prefer the option to add navigation with keyboard, preferably WASD like in many computer games and other applications.

As a addon feature it would also be cool to zoom in and out with nearby keys Q(zoom in/Qrawl) and E(Zoom out/Explore)

  • Guest
  • Aug 18 2020
  • Planned
  • Guest commented
    August 29, 2020 20:20

    Impressed by the speed on this!
    Tried the function that came to life after choosing the feets.

    Two improvement sugestions:

    1. In our model speed was superslow even with shift. Ideally would be a slider or number setting to adjust speed. Or have a greater difference between with or without shift.

    • Don´t use Ctrl as input modifier. It usually leads to other shortcuts. Ctrl+W closes the tab and thereby the model ;)