iTwin Services Ideas

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Export Model Tree structure

Have the ability to export the Model Tree content. This would aid in checking Named Versions against composition\assembly models.

  • Mark Halliwell
  • Oct 1 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Dominic Seah commented
    3 Apr, 2021 08:59am

    It would be good to allow the user to select the elements in the browser view window and get a model tree based on the selected elements. Given the size and number of imodel originating files it would be good not to export the whole shee-bang everytime.

    Before the tree structure is exported, the user may need to add other items not selected on screen.

  • Austin Dumas commented
    2 Oct, 2020 01:27am

    From an-end user (design coordinator) perspective, this is huge. Instead of having to go through the Bentley Console and to get a simple export via the tree will be a massive time saver.