iTwin Services Ideas

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Sorting models by directories (creating "folders" in iModel Manager)

We would like to structure and group multiple models in the iModel Manager.

For example, in one project, we need to have a tree of "folders" in iModel Manager, each of which contains several iModels by a certain properties.

Сортировка моделей по дирректориям (создание каталогов в iModel Manager)

Мы бы хотели иметь возможность создавать и объединять в одну группу несколько iModel в iModel Manager.

К примеру, в рамках одного проекта нам необходимо в imodel Manager иметь дерево "папок" в каждой из которых собраны несколько iModel по определенному признаку.

  • Guest
  • Feb 8 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Christiaan Post commented
    26 Apr, 2022 07:30am

    Any update on this one, it's really useful to get overview when you have large models with hundreds of files

  • Christiaan Post commented
    9 Mar, 2021 10:35am

    Can you give a status update on this one, this is a must have in our projects to deal with a huge set of data.