iTwin Services Ideas

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Ability to filter issues by bindings in Design Review panel

Currently, when you open up the issue resolution panel in Design Review you can only filter the items by "Assigned To", "Created By" and "Status". This is a rather limited set of properties and it would be really useful to be able to filter by any of the bindings set up for the forms. Especially, because there are many different form types it's important to be able to distinguish whether you're looking at a design issue, a risk item or any other form type.

Since there could be a really long list of bindings if you're using a lot of complex forms, ideally, the list would be limited to bindings for forms that have been filled out.

  • Tamas Dravai
  • Jun 15 2021
  • Austin Dumas commented
    7 Jul, 2021 08:25pm

    As a general idea/request, any customization you can do with respect to fields and attributes in forms should be made available in the filter/search window.

  • Christiaan Post commented
    23 Jun, 2021 01:40pm

    Maybe also interesting to make an option for sprints in a project so you can easily change the priority by selecting the Issue and drag this to a specific sprint from the ICE sessions