iTwin Services Ideas

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Provide external access with view/read-only permission without adding users to Connected project

The idea for this is to allow external users to simply view the iTwin model with no other permission to the Connected Project. For example, this could be used in a Bid/Tender phase to allow potential bidders to view the model without gaining access to the rest of the project. With this, we would want to be able to control whether or not the iTwin could be exported to IFC.

  • Nathan Meade
  • Jun 29 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Arunas Urbsys commented
    22 Jan 13:36

    Viewing or accessing the iModel by external not registered users (i.e. Public Access) would greatly improve collaboration in proposal phases, when the business relationships with the client are not yet established. It would also help companies promote their work experiences by allowing to display iModels of past projects on web sites. Moreover - this feature would enormously help OpenCities Planner owners creating public Digital Twin for Smart Cities projects - currently OpenCities Planner has the ability to attach iModels as intelligent BIM data to the reality models of build environment, which is highly appreciated by municipalities, which need to publish city data for citizens publicly, it works very fast and effective loading BIM large models with intelligent data, HOWEVER, it works only for registered at Bentley users, hence - only for internal use, not public. This needs to be fixes, because iModel is already the aggregated dataset, not the source data, which must have the intellectual property protection, just - public access should not allow exporting, saving and reusing the iModel - only accessing for view and interrogation (reading attribute data, if publisher is willing to allow that).