iTwin Services Ideas

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Clash associated forms status should be changed automatically when the clash resolved.

When we use the Navigator we can track the clashes from the first revision to the last revision using the same form. all the clash statuses can be tracked using a single clash result. But Within iTwin, all the clash tests are version based. when we link Clash with the form, those forms are not linked to the model and it stays live even if the clash is resolved. Each time users need to check the forms and need to close those individually. It will be an additional task and users may not show interest to use iTwin for clash detection purposes. Always any user will see the improvement in the way of working when we using any new tools. It is good, we have an option to track those clashes using the forms and we can see some great dashboards etc., But each time it will be a very tough and time taking exercise to check the model and close the form at each version. It helps if it is works as similar as Navigator.

  • Prasad Mn
  • Aug 6 2021