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In the iTwin: Clash detection is Version based and it will be not as smooth as Navigator. Each time whenever I run a clash detection for the new version, I need to reassign the clashes to the user for all existing/old clashes as well.
But In the Navigator :It keeps the existing Data like, assigned, accepted etc., when we run a clash detection for a new version/Updated model
Within the iTwin, it looks like a more time-consuming exercise than before when it comes to clash detection.
As always, whenever we try to use a new application, it should be smooth and easy than before. Then, it will be easy for us to ask the people to use the same.
(in the attached screenshot, which I have run my clash report on 24/08/2021, still, I Can see my accepted (30/06/2021) and assigned ( 11/08/2021) data as well in the final report. Same not available in iTwin)