iTwin Services Ideas

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Side by Side Version Comparison on a Model Level

Currently, when you're using the Version Comparison feature in Design Review, the side by side view of two versions is only available for modified elements.

For a lot of use cases, a model level side by side view would be much more useful. People don't tend to review individual elements and they're more interested in seeing what changed between two versions of a model. For example they would like to see what changed for a bridge model on the whole and not looking at the individual changes of each beam.

Connecting to this, it would be great if the side by side view were available for any type of change not only for the modified blue elements. In a lot of instances a modeler might not edit the existing elements but rather delete it and put in a new one with the modified dimensions. This would not show up as a modified element in version compare and the side by side view would be unavailable. A model level comparison would help with this too because if we could open up the side by side view for any model that was updated between two named versions we could review all the changes.

  • Tamas Dravai
  • Jan 18 2022