iTwin Services Ideas

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ProjectWise model description visible in Model Tree

Please add ProjectWise document descriptions to Model Tree.
If there are several containers synced into an imodel, that'll make identifying them way easier especially for non-delivery team members, who may benefit from imodel, don't know model numbers by heart though.

  • Tomasz Bielenin
  • May 23 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Mark Kauffman commented
    2 May, 2023 03:09pm

    This would help SOOO much! My recommendation is to have a preference to switch between showing the file name or the description and swap this to the tooltip.

  • Thomas Coleman commented
    2 May, 2023 03:06pm

    Great idea is needed now

  • Camaron Bennie commented
    6 Mar, 2023 07:40pm

    Rename the 'master model' name to display the same PW description. Thus when iModels are run it will have the same description.