iTwin Services Ideas

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How can we surface iModel data to PowerBI

A data connector would be extremely helpful to surface data into our PowerBI Dashboards

This can be as simple as a ecSQL which returns data ... based upon a ProjectID and iModelID

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
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  • Andrey Aksenov commented
    May 20, 2020 02:28

    How are you?
    I see a page with the implementation of functionality and pictures, and when I go to the download page, it shows a blank page.

    Best regards, Andrey Aksenov
    tel.: 8 (727) 228-25-65 ext.: 5032
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  • Kaustubh Page commented
    May 19, 2020 17:32

    We have shipped beta version of Power BI Data Connector where you can run ECSQL queries against an iModel from Power BI Desktop

    It is available under iTwin Design Insights service.