iTwin Services Ideas

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Snap Mode: None

In the previous iTwin build we had a snap mode for ‘None’. This has been removed in the later versions of the iTwin build. I am getting a lot of inquiries from our users as to why this has been removed as the ‘no snap mode’ was very useful setting up section cuts in a very congested area of the design. Could we ask for this setting to be re-enabled?

For example, If I wanted to place the first side of a section cut adjacent to the pipe, the ‘None’ Snap function would be ideal. Instead the section will automatically try and snap to the closest point on a very congested design, making it impossible for me to place the section as close to adjacent as possible

  • Lourens Van Emmenis
  • Mar 21 2023
  • Likely to implement
  • Dan Sheldon commented
    August 30, 2023 19:01

    Thank you for submitting your idea.

    This will be a future consideration for the iModel