iTwin Services Ideas

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Forms need more customizable display names and notification email titles

Currently, our ability to configure form display names is quite limited.

This is an issue as the form display name is what is sent to users as an email notification.

For one thing, The Display Name Property only allows us to choose from one field in the form. (See Image 1)

Then, when we receive email notifications, only that display name is shown as the email header. (Image 2)

This quickly becomes confusing when we have multiple workflows in our project, and they all need to reference the same pool of fields (Discipline, Work Package, Design Stage, etc).

What I'd need for this system to make sense for our users is a custom display name builder. The Equation Builder (Image 3) resembles something I'd want to build custom Display Name Strings.

For instance, if I have a submittal workflow, I'd like to format the display name to be as such:

= 'Submittal - ' + [Work Package] + ' - ' + [Design Stage]'

As an example, the display name for one of our packages would be as follows:

'Submittal - WP-05 - 60% Pre-Final'

EVEN if I could just configure a single field of my form to automatically combine the different fields in my form and add "Submittal" at the front, I'd be happy. But currently, no such script is possible.

  • Tom Nowak
  • Jul 29 2024