iTwin Services Ideas

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Have iModels shown in "List View" as the default

I've had some complaints come through from the wider project team stating the difficulty of navigating iModelHUB, when the iModels are displayed in "Tile View" as the default, and not "List View".

Until recently, if you set your view to "List View", it would remain as that, regardless of selecting "Previous Page". This worked very well for all our users, but it's no longer the case.

I set up a new naming convention 3 months ago to aid our users with navigating, and it worked very well in line with the "List View".

I've had some very frustrated designers and managers contact me, explaining that they need to keep selecting "List View", because it's the easiest way to navigate, but they keep needing to flick it back because the default is set to "Tile View."

  • Christopher Hansford
  • Sep 16 2024