iTwin Services Ideas

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Add multiple files to a session

If I have several models in a project I would like to add them to the same "session" .

  • Guest
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Catherine Cassar commented
    December 15, 2020 17:42

    This is even more critical since the ability to upload a compiled imodel has been removed from the file types that can be uploaded.

  • Guest commented
    May 22, 2020 17:24

    Of course we need to update models during the review, how we may perform this task, and of course keep all historical process in order to check the process as necessary

  • Taylor Gilmore commented
    May 07, 2020 17:14

    This is still under consideration for our Ad Hoc workflow within iTwin Design Review. This capability is available within the Digital Twin workflow for Design Review. That option may be better suited for your workflow.

    You can see our Communities site for more information on this:

  • Mark Shamoun commented
    March 28, 2020 03:54

    Also, the ability to add models after creation would be very valuable as we don't always have all the information we need in the first instance during the review process.

  • +1