iTwin Services Ideas

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Display the geographic coordinate system that XYZ values relate to

Currently, I dont see any details of the geographic coordinate system that the XYZ values relate to.

Without knowing that coordinate system, the XYZ values are arbitrary.

  • Michael Gilham
  • Apr 27 2020
  • Shipped
  • Mike Hutchons commented
    09 Apr 12:32

    This is perfect.

    thank you

    Kind regards,

    Processing of personal Information / POPIA compliance
    We respect your privacy and acknowledge that this e-mail will contain Personal Information, which may belong to you, others and/or to your organization and which we will process, which processing will be done in accordance with our processing notices housed on our website -

    Mike Hutchons
    Project Automation Technologies
    CAD and BIM Support - AEM Region
    Greenstone Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa

  • Noel Gonzalez-Jones commented
    09 Apr 11:18

    Thanks you for the clarification. The additional information like CRS and datum is displayed in the Geospatial Metadata widget, details on this featire can be found here:

  • Michael Gilham commented
    24 Mar 22:02

    Hi Noel Gonzalez-Jones,

    The information is still missing. Nowhere in the panel you highlighted in the image does it identify the co-ordinate system that the XYZ value is related to.

    Took 4yrs to not provide any more information...

  • Mike Hutchons commented
    22 Mar 12:30

    The Location measurements do not state what coordinate system (or datum) they are referring to.

    Example: WGS84 etc.

    The imodel has a coordinate system applied on imodel creation. Can this not be displayed somewhere in the interface?

    Kind regards,

    Processing of personal Information / POPIA compliance
    We respect your privacy and acknowledge that this e-mail will contain Personal Information, which may belong to you, others and/or to your organization and which we will process, which processing will be done in accordance with our processing notices housed on our website -

    Mike Hutchons
    Project Automation Technologies
    CAD and BIM Support - AEM Region
    Greenstone Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa

  • Noel Gonzalez-Jones commented
    22 Mar 09:59

    Sorry for the delay in the response to this idea. However, I believe this has been implemented with the Location option in the measure tools. Screen below for reference:

    If this is not the case, please can you provide more details and we will investigate.