iTwin Services Ideas

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Quantity Report - Generated based on chainage

Currently, user can generate the Quantity report by draw a polygon at the targeted area. For linear infrastructure project, it will be great if we can generate the Quantity Report based on chainage. Where by user can select the road alignment, set the chainage start & chainage end, and generate the Quantity Report. Most of the mega highway project, it consists of 1 road alignment and break into several work packages. Then each of the work package are manage by different organization. So, with this report capabilities will help a lot not only for the consultant, but also for the contractor.

  • Owais Qarni
  • Oct 20 2020
  • Shipped
  • Simon Normand commented
    29 Jan, 2021 04:49pm

    This is now available. You can create a Quantity by Alignment Report